Ultrasonic Examination


Range of application:
• Metals, composites, polyethylene, etc.

Principle of measurement:
Ultrasound is frequently used to detect interior material defects. The method is especially useful on thick materials where the use of radiography is limited. Sound pulses in frequencies from 0.5 to 10MHz are sent into the material and they are reflected from e.g. defects.

• Level faults (lack of fusion and cracks)
• Laminations
• Volumetric faults (slagging, pores)
• Thickness in material

• Finds faults enclosed in materials
• Finds faults enclosed in welds
• Finds laminations in materials
• Tests may be carried out at large depths

• Reference standards are required to set the instrument
• Austenitic materials require extensive reference in order to set up equipment
• Limited by object geometries.

Our ultrasound equipment:
• USM 35x
• Phasor XS
• Necessary accessories such as re-play head, calibration blocks, etc.